Living in a world of multiple and ever-changing priorities, with constant interruptions and distractions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, ineffective, and distracted.

One way to overcome productivity issues is the Full Focus Productivity programme. It instills the self-discipline of focus, prioritisation, and offers practical strategies that enable you to take back control of your time.

MMU is accredited to deliver the Full Focus Productivity programme; a system created by performance experts to banish distractions, tame your to-do list, and achieve the big goals that matter most. The programme includes core practices that are essential to transforming personal productivity.

In this download, we share what the Full Focus Productivity session covers, the tools used, and how it will benefit your business.

It also includes our free three-minute time management assessment. As outstanding managers know, the secret to effective productivity is not about getting everything on your to-do list done each day. This short assessment will help you evaluate your approach to work and productivity and how consistent you are. Please get in touch if you’d like to find out more.

Full Focus Productivity

Find out more about this one-day session designed to help you identify the goals that matter most.