Succession planning is essential for any company to ensure continuity and growth. It ensures an organisation has a strong leadership pipeline and a workforce with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive progress and success.

A recent survey by Deloitte found 86% of companies rate succession planning
as urgent and/or important, but despite this, only 14% believe they do it well.

Any leader’s value to the business is ultimately judged by successful succession. Finding, developing, and retaining great people says so much about the impact and influence of a leader. It’s no exaggeration to say that the continued success and growth of a business is ultimately down to the development of the team. What could be more vital to a company’s future success than the choice and development of its future leaders?

In this free download, we explore clear and simple ways to develop a
succession plan in four steps.

Put success back into your succession planning

Download our guide to developing the next generation of multi-unit managers.